Sermon Archive

Session 5: The Biblical Church is saturated with prayer.

The Defining features of a Biblical Church.

Pastor David Harding


Friday, 09 November 2018

Session 1: The Biblical Church is Christ centered in worship.

The Defining features of a Biblical Church.

Pastor Sechaba Legoete


Friday, 09 November 2018

Session 2: The Biblical Church has the bible as foundation.

The Defining features of a Biblical Church.

Pastor Sechaba Legoete


Friday, 09 November 2018

Session 4: The Biblical church exists for Christ-centered and word-centered worship.

The Defining features of a Biblical Church.

Pastor Nico Van Zyl


Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Session 5: The Biblical Church is led by Biblical elders and pastors.

The Defining features of a Biblical Church.

Pastor Nico Van Zyl


Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Session 3: "The Church as the body of Christ.

The Defining features of a Biblical Church.

Pastor Sipho mfusi


Monday, 22 October 2018

Session 1: "The Biblical Church saturates itself in prayer.

The defining features of a Biblical church.

Pastor Sipho mfusi


Monday, 22 October 2018

Session 2: The Biblical church has the 66 books of the Bible as it's foundation.

The Defining features of a Biblical Church.

Pastor Nico Van Zyl


Monday, 22 October 2018

Session 6: Preaching sanctification.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Jerry Slate


Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Session 5: Preaching the Blessings of Salvation.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Sam Olouch


Monday, 12 March 2018

Session 9: Preaching Glorification.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor John Divito


Friday, 09 March 2018

Session 7: Preaching Adoption.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor John Divito


Friday, 09 March 2018

Session 8: The ability and necessity to fight against Satan.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Sam Olouch


Friday, 09 March 2018

Session 4: Preaching Jesus as the second Adam.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor John Divito


Thursday, 08 March 2018

Session 2: How are we saved.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Jerry Slate


Thursday, 08 March 2018

Session 3: The truths about substitution, propitiation and atonement.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Jerry Slate


Thursday, 08 March 2018

Session 1: Why and from what do we need to be saved.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Sam Olouch


Thursday, 08 March 2018

Session 8: The ability and necessity to fight against Satan.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Nico Van Zyl


Thursday, 22 February 2018

Session 9: Preaching Glorification.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Irving Steggles


Monday, 29 January 2018

Session 6: Preaching Sanctification.

Preaching Salvation.

Pastor Nico Van Zyl


Monday, 29 January 2018